七、脑和脊髓的血管 Seven, brain and spinal cord vessels

(一)脊髓的血管 Blood vessels (a) of the spinal cord

1. 1. 动脉 Artery

来自椎动脉、肋间动脉和腰动脉等的分支。 Branch of the vertebral artery, intercostal arteries and the like from the lumbar artery. 主要有脊髓前动脉和脊髓后动脉。 Mainly anterior spinal artery and posterior spinal artery.

2. 2. 静脉 Vein

与动脉伴行,注入硬膜外隙的椎内静脉丛。 Accompanied with arterial, epidural injection within the vertebral venous plexus.

(二)脑的血管 Vessels (two) of the brain

1. 1. 动脉 Artery

来自颈内动脉和椎动脉。 From internal carotid and vertebral arteries.

(1)颈内动脉 (1) internal carotid artery

1)行程:起自颈总动脉,向上经颈动脉管入颅腔,穿海绵窦至视交叉的外侧。 1) trip: from total self carotid artery, up through the carotid canal into the cranial cavity, through the cavernous sinus to the outside of the optic chiasm.

2)主要分支:①眼动脉、②大脑前动脉③大脑中动脉。 2) main branches: ① ophthalmic artery, before ② ③ cerebral artery middle cerebral artery.

3)供应范围:大脑半球前2/3和部分间脑. 3) The scope of supply: the anterior cerebral hemisphere between 2/3 and part of the brain.

(2)椎动脉 (2) the vertebral artery

1)行程:起自锁骨下动脉,穿颈椎横突孔,经枕骨大孔入颅腔,向上行至脑桥合成一条基底动脉。 1) Stroke: Starting in self subclavian artery, cervical transverse through hole, through the foramen magnum into the cranial cavity, up the line to the synthesis of a basilar pons.

2)主要分支:主要为大脑后动脉。 2) main branches: mainly the posterior cerebral artery.

3)供应范围:大脑半球后1/3、部分间脑、小脑和脑干。 3) Scope of supply: 1/3 posterior cerebral hemisphere, some between the brain, the cerebellum and brainstem.

(3)大脑动脉环 (3) cerebral artery rings

由大脑前动脉、颈内动脉、大脑后动脉等借前交通支、后交通支共同围成。 Anterior communicating branch from the anterior cerebral artery, internal carotid artery, posterior cerebral artery by common after traffic branch surrounded.

(4)脑内动脉分支分类 (4) brain artery branch classification

1)皮质支:较短,分布于大脑皮质。 1) cortical branch: short, located in the cerebral cortex.

2)中央支:细长,深入大脑髓质,分布于内囊、基底核、间脑等。 2) Central Branch: slender, deep brain medulla, located in the internal capsule, basal ganglia, diencephalon and so on.

2. 2. 静脉 Vein

大脑的静脉不与动脉伴行,分深浅两组。 Veins and arteries of the brain is not accompanied, depth two points.

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