5. 5. 胸部动脉 Thoracic artery

由胸主动脉发出,分为脏支和壁支。 Issued by the thoracic aorta branches into dirty and wall support. 脏支主要有支气管支、食管支。 The main branch dirty bronchial branch, branch esophagus. 壁支主要有肋间后动脉和肋下动脉。 Wall supporting the main artery after intercostal arteries and ribs.

6. 6. 腹部动脉 Abdominal artery

由腹主动脉发出,也分脏支和壁支。 Issued by the abdominal aorta, can be divided into branches and dirty wall support.

(1)壁支:为四对腰动脉。 (1) wall support: for four pairs of lumbar arteries.

(2)脏支:有三个成对和三个不成对。 (2) Dirty support: There are three pairs and three not right. 成对的有肾上腺中动脉、肾动脉、睾丸动脉(女性为卵巢动脉)等。 Paired adrenal artery, renal artery, testicular artery (female ovarian artery) and so on. 不成对的脏支有: Dirty unpaired branch are:

1)腹腔干 1) celiac

腹腔干起自主动脉裂孔稍下方的腹主动脉前壁。 Since celiac slightly below the aortic hiatus of the anterior wall of the abdominal aorta. 分支营养肝、胰、脾、胃、十二指肠、大网膜等。 Branch nutrition liver, pancreas, spleen, stomach, duodenum, omentum and so on. 腹腔干的主要分支见表9 - 3: The main branch of the celiac Table 9--3:

2)肠系膜上动脉 2) the superior mesenteric artery

于腹腔干稍下方,起自腹主动脉前壁,分支布于空肠、回肠、盲肠、阑尾、升结肠、横结肠等。 In celiac slightly below, starting from the front wall of the abdominal aorta branches distributed in the jejunum, ileum, cecum, appendix, ascending colon, transverse colon and so on.

主要分支:空肠动脉、回肠动脉、回结肠动脉→阑尾动脉、右结肠动脉、中结肠动脉等。 The main branches: jejunal artery, the artery ileum, ileocolic artery → appendix artery, right colic artery, the artery of the colon.

3)肠系膜下动脉 3) mesenteric artery

3腰椎平面由腹主动脉发出,行向左下。 3rd lumbar plane issued by the abdominal aorta, the next line to the left. 分支布于降结肠、乙状结肠、直肠上部等。 Branches distributed in the descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and other upper.

主要分支:左结肠动脉、乙状结肠动脉、直肠上动脉 The main branches: the left colic artery, the sigmoid artery, rectal arteries.

7. 7. 盆部动脉 Pelvic arteries

髂总动脉在骶髂关节前方分为髂外、髂内动脉。 Iliac artery in front of the sacroiliac joint into the external iliac, internal iliac artery. 髂内动脉主要分支供应盆部。 The main branch of the internal iliac artery supplies pelvic.

髂内动脉主要分支: Iliac artery main branches:

(1)脏支:膀胱下动脉、直肠下动脉、子宫动脉、阴部内动脉等。 (1) dirty branch: bladder artery, rectal artery, uterine artery, internal pudendal artery.

(2)壁支:闭孔动脉、臀上动脉、臀下动脉。 (2) wall support: the obturator artery, superior gluteal artery, inferior gluteal arteries.

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