第八章 Chapter VIII   腹膜和腹膜腔 Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity

一、概念 First, the concept

(一)腹膜 (A) the peritoneum  

腹膜是衬覆于腹、盆壁内面和腹、盆腔脏器表面的一层相互移行的浆膜。 The peritoneum is lined by the abdominal, pelvic wall and the inner surface of the abdominal and pelvic organs surface layer of serous mutual migration. 根据分布不同可分为壁腹膜和脏腹膜。 Depending on the distribution can be divided into the parietal peritoneum and visceral peritoneum.

(二)腹膜腔 (B) the peritoneal cavity  

腹膜腔是脏、壁两层腹膜之间相互移行围成的潜在性间隙。 Peritoneal cavity is dirty, the wall between two layers of peritoneum mutual migration surrounded potential gap. 腹膜腔内有少量浆液,在脏器活动时可减少摩擦。 The peritoneal cavity with a small amount of the slurry, at the time of organ activity reduces friction. 男性腹膜腔是密闭的,女性腹膜腔借输卵管腹腔口→输卵管→子宫→阴道与体外相通。 Men peritoneal cavity is closed, female peritoneal cavity through the fallopian tubal peritoneal mouth → → → vagina and uterus in vitro connected.

  腹膜和腹膜腔特点 Peritoneum and peritoneal cavity Features

腹膜分脏壁 Peritoneal points dirty wall     二层夹一隙 Layer sandwiched a gap

女性通体外 Quintana women outside     男性是密闭 Men are closed

二、腹膜与脏器的关系 Second, the relationship between the peritoneum and the organs

腹、盆腔的脏器依据被覆腹膜的多少可分为三类即: Abdominal and pelvic organs in accordance with the number of peritoneal covering can be divided into three categories namely:

(一)腹膜内位器官 (A) peritoneal spaces organ  

此类器官几乎全部包被腹膜,活动度较大。 Almost all of these packages are retroperitoneal organ, a large activity. 主要的器官有:胃、十二指肠上部、空肠、回肠、阑尾、横结肠、乙状结肠、脾、卵巢、输卵管等。 The main organs: stomach, upper duodenum, jejunum, ileum, appendix, transverse colon, sigmoid colon, spleen, ovaries, fallopian tubes and the like.

(二)腹膜间位器官 (B) the peritoneal ORGANS  

此类器官三面包被腹膜,活动度较小。 Three of these organs bread peritoneum, smaller activity. 主要的器官有:升结肠、降结肠、肝、膀胱、子宫等。 The main organs: the ascending colon, descending colon, liver, bladder, uterus and the like.

(三)腹膜外位器官 (C) extraperitoneal ORGANS  

此类器官只有一面包被腹膜,几乎不能活动。 Only one such organ bread peritoneum, barely activities. 主要的器官有:胰、肾、输尿管、肾上腺等。 The main organs: pancreas, kidney, ureter, adrenal.

三、腹膜形成的结构 Third, the structure formed by the peritoneum

(一)网膜 (A) omentum

1. 1. 小网膜 Small omentum

是连结于肝门与胃小弯、十二指肠上部之间的双层腹膜。 Is connected to the hepatic portal and the lesser curvature of the stomach, duodenum, the upper peritoneal layer between. 形似围在脖下的“餐巾”。 Shape around the neck under the "napkin." 右侧部称肝十二指肠韧带,内有胆总管、肝固有动脉、门静脉等结构通过。 Right side, said liver ligament, there common bile duct, hepatic artery and portal vein and other structures through. 左侧部称肝胃韧带。 Left side, said hepatogastric ligament.

2. 2. 大网膜 Omentum

是连于胃大弯和横结肠之间的四层腹膜。 Is connected between the greater curvature of the stomach and transverse colon four peritoneum. 呈“围裙”状悬挂于横结肠和小肠之前。 Was "apron" shape before hanging in the transverse colon and small intestine. 大网膜内含脂肪、血管、淋巴管等,活动度大,有限制炎症蔓延的作用。 Omentum contains fat, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, etc., activity, and have a role in limiting the spread of inflammation.

网膜形态特点 Omentum morphological characteristics

小网膜,似餐巾 Lesser, like napkins     小弯向上围肝门 Small curved upward around the porta

大网膜,象围裙 Omentum, like aprons     大弯向下横连襟 Big Bend down cross Lianjin

(二)韧带 (B) the ligament

韧带是连于腹壁与脏器、或脏器与脏器之间的腹膜结构。 Ligament is attached to the abdominal wall and viscera, organs and organ structure or peritoneum between.

1. 1. 肝的韧带 Liver ligament

主要有:镰状韧带、肝圆韧带、冠状韧带等。 Are: sickle ligament, round ligament of liver, coronary ligament.

2. 2. 脾的韧带 Splenic ligament

主要有:胃脾韧带、脾肾韧带、膈脾韧带等。 Are: stomach and spleen ligament, spleen ligament, diaphragm and spleen ligament.

(三)系膜 (C) mesangial

系膜是肠管连于腹后壁的双层腹膜结构。 Bowel mesentery is attached to the abdominal wall of the peritoneal layer structure.

1. 1. 肠系膜 Mesenteric

是将空、回肠固定于腹后壁的双层腹膜结构。 Is the jejunum and ileum fixed to the abdominal wall of the peritoneal layer structure.

2. 2. 横结肠系膜 Transverse mesocolon

是将横结肠固定于腹后壁的横位腹膜结构。 Is the transverse structure fixed to the transverse abdominal wall of the peritoneum.

3. 3. 乙状结肠系膜 Sigmoid mesangial

是将乙状结肠固定于盆壁的腹膜结构。 The sigmoid colon is fixed to the structure of the pelvic wall of the peritoneum.

4. 4. 阑尾系膜 Mesoappendix

是将阑尾连于肠系膜下端的双层腹膜结构。 The appendix is attached to the lower end of the mesenteric peritoneal layer structure.

(四)腹膜陷凹 (D) the peritoneal pouch  

腹膜陷凹是腹膜在盆腔器官之间,形成的凹陷。 Peritoneal peritoneal pouch is recessed between pelvic organs, formation. 在男性主要有直肠膀胱陷凹,在女性主要有膀胱子宫陷凹和直肠子宫陷凹。 The main male rectal pouch bladder, uterus in women mainly bladder and rectum uterine pouch pouch.

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